Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Any insight to what happened to Calvert Hall against Gilman recently ? That was a shellacking by Gilman. Is Hall going to do anything about it ?
They play the same 12 kids.
Lots of good players wasting away on the bench.
Why carry these kids on your team if you aren't going to give them a chance?

BK strategy. Don’t use them, but make sure nobody else can either.

My son chose Calvert Hall on his own. We knew the risk of getting buried was real. Just expected more of a shot. Minds got made early, so it's been a hard 2 years. But the academic side has been good.

Glad the academics are going well. On lax side you let BK get the best of you like the majority do. He will @ChillLaxin you you in every time will promises on top of promises.... The only promise they make to themselves is that they will develop about 25 players in a given year and about 2/3 of them will ever play. MIddle school parents beware-beware-beware!!!!!! Stop the madness now.

The only kids at CH that see the field on varsity are the ones who work with BK’s son or other coaches on the side, or ones who received a personal tour of the school by BK himself. If your kid is going into the school and isn’t known by the coaches before entering the school, chances are they won’t make varsity until 11th or 12th grade, if at all, and most likely will never touch the varsity field. It doesn’t matter how good your kid is!

Nepotism at its finest. Relative, worker or Friends. You got the in. Without it, well good luck watching from sidelines.