Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Roughriders 2022 attack?
If you have to promote your kid here you’ll be waiting a while for his offer.
Pathetic dad.

RR team plays all kids and they do nothing but win! They have a great record against all top 20 teams and even in a loss it’s by a single goal or 2. Every so called top team in Md do not want to play them and know when they do it’s a dog fight. Go ahead and ask your coach if he wants a showcase game or scrimmage with RR team- go ahead- we will wait here for the response. Sad to try and tear down and great player who happens to be way under sized and on age that plays all out-

Destroyed FCA top defender and SweetLax National team defender and Laxacusetts top defender who are all top 10 defenders for 2022 class

Easy Coach. Breathe. It's Ok. RR is wonderful. You are wonderful. "Your" players are the best. You are the best. The above is what happens when one loses all grip on reality. Club games wins and losses/rankings dont mean a thing except to the insecure coaches and parents who get their identity from the label on a jersey. Relax. Play the sport and enjoy. The best players are the best players and not because of a club, club coach, a write up, or tournament. The little guy is a great kid and a great player. Too bad he has to deal with this stuff, his coach, and team. Just play.