I find it fool how parents waste time on this forum putting down other teams/players. I thought HOCO was really fun, very competitive and most of the teams in the elite division were very good. ML, NL, Crabs, and Hawks all played very competitive which was very fun to watch. Some teams had a less positive summer outcome than others. However, each of these teams have some very talented players. Most of these kids are friends and enjoy the friendly rivalry/competition. My son in particular often talks about the talent in the region and the conversations with his teammates and friends are positive. “The new defender the crabs got is amazing, he’s going D1, the attackman on this team is amazing, the fogo on this team is unbelievable, the goalie is unreal can’t wait to see what he does in high school, so and so got cut that makes me feel so sad for him.” All supportive positive conversions building up other players in the 2027 class! While you guys are on here debating who’s team is Mediocre and who has the most reclassed kids. The talent is pretty equal and every team in the elite division has reclassed kids….. Get over it! Who you are they become. Set better examples for your kids! We all know who the stand out players are in this class, how about some positive talk about the future of these young players for a change. Or maybe some positive debatable conversations on what could make each of these teams better?!