Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Can anyone explain the NLF to me? I understand that there are an original 6 and also a group of affiliates. Seems to be alot of BS associated with these tournaments/teams....For instance, let's say you were a club on LI and your team was called something like "Team 19" (this is hypothetical). Let's say there was a strong club also on LI and let's say their team name was "Door 2 Door". Did you know in the NLF book of secrets/bylaws that if you're one of these Original 6 you can block a club from playing in these NLF tournaments? I just find it funny that on the front page of the NLF website in big bold letters it says "IRON SHARPENS IRON". This blocking rule flies completely in the face of true competition and is chicken BLEEP. Does anyone from other areas know of similar situations??? In the end we are talking about clubs, grown men, supposed ambassador's of the sport denying kids from the opportunity to compete which in my opinion flies in the face of why we even play sports and compete.

Same deal in NJ. Leading Edge is a founding member of NLF and has blocked BBL, Tri-State, and other NJ programs from participating in the NLF.

This was a bigger deal 5-10 years ago when there were fewer options. There are now a ton of non-NLF tourneys that provide excellent visibility to top college programs (NAL, Naptown, Great 8, etc). If you're at a program that competes in these tourneys and can get you invited to the top showcases, than there's no reason to fret about NLF access.

Spot on. In the DC metro, MadLax has the power to block out competitors, which is why NextLevel, a team that beat MadLax by 10 goals in their HoCo playoff game last spring, does not play in NLF. but as the PP said, it doesn't really matter anymore because there are so many zillions of opportunities for the good players and good teams to get exposure.