Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why do the people complaining about holdbacks say that 15 year olds are playing against 13 year olds? Personally I don’t think a one year difference is that big a deal but two years is a lot. Are they complaining about double holdbacks? Or are their sons playing up and then running into a two year age gap due to holdbacks in the upper division?
Birthdates for single year holdbacks are between 9/1/2007 and 8/31/2008. On age 2027 are 9/1/2008 to 8/31/2009. With holdbacks you have the possibility of a full 2 year difference between any two players. This does result in a 13 y/o sometimes having to compete with a 15 y/o.

I understand the holdback rationale to be older during your HS sophomore year. I'll never understand why the parents think having their 15 y/o compete against a 13 y/o helps their development though.