Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Cavs were caught in multiple events playing older players and players in older classes playing down. It culminated when they played a high school goalie in a HoCo playoff game in a grade school playoff game. Upon further review, Cavs were deemed to have been doing this on a regular basis in many class groups. They were then blackballed by many tournaments directors.

VLC tried to step in and took many of their players and coaches but VLC has their own organizational problems. An example is not being able to field a 2027 team.

Is this true? They really ran out a high school player in HoCo?

Yes, it is true and well documented that in the spring of 2021, VLC used a 9th grade, off-roster goalie in a sixth grade HoCo championship game in one of the lower divisions. They actually replayed the game, and ironically, the team that was victimized and awarded the rematch was MadLax, who has pulled more than its share of roster shenanigans in the past. I can't fathom how any adult (coach or parent) would allow that stuff to happen, but it did, and it makes you wonder how often it happened and was not caught.

I can confirm for the 2028s that I've seen Cavs popped for illegal and off-age subs (Fall 2020 tournament). Ironically, while they destroyed the B-level competition, the older Cavs kids were great sportsmen on the field.

And speaking of 2028 roster shenanigans and True VA, True VA's brightest moment was probably in HoCo 2021, playing 2027 and 2028 kids illegally on the A-level True Baltimore team....5 True VA players dismissed from the HoCo semi-final for A-league after the HoCo Black coach requested a roster check. If you are openly cheating rosters at A-ball.....that's truly a "club on the way up." As others said, why as a parent would you want your family and your money to be involved with something like that?

True's inability to get True VA off the ground in a meaningful way isn't a result of "aww shucks" moments, it's the fact that it's run by True, a youth sports model that does not work in a saturated market, or a market where parents/customers and opposing coaches have "been around the block." I was going to say "sophisticated" but we are talking about Fairfax County so nevermind.