Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Does NL cut players? I heard they have almost 30 kids on the roster.

NL doesn't cut existing players. They give those families the option of staying on as practice players. They have 30+ on older teams so this one won't be any different.
do practice players pay the same as game players?
do they suit up for games?
what possible rationale would a family have to be on a team and get no game time, and have the kid constantly made to feel like an inferior player. there are a zillion teams out there for every conceivable ability level. why not go to one that is the right fit?

Yes, they are supposed to pay the same. On the older teams, some dress and some don’t. There’s only a couple of Team choices in the close in dc area which NL mostly serves. You can play for a really bad B team or hang with your friends. The ones getting cut, or those who think they will be stars on another A team, usually aren’t very good and they wash out of the sport. DC is not like Baltimore out even AA county.