Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The public school kids cant pre-k/reclass - the private school kids can and do.
Paul Rabil addresses the lack of MC support/viewership from the PLL in a recent podcast.
The aim is to change the perception of lacrosse and attract MC support.
You can't win them over when rich private school parents manage the rules at the youth level.

Pardon my ignorance, but why can't public school kids reclass or start kindergarten on the later side?

They can. Most of the elite public school laxxers from PA (if you haven't seen yet, you'll see soon) took advantage of the PA law that you don't have to enter public school until age 7. Which I'm fine with, except their parents act offended if you infer their kid is a holdback/reclass. Even though you've all seen all the kids' birthdays on various rosters.

It is very difficult in the public school system to justify (and get the paperwork straight) for a kid to not advance to 1st, 7th, or 9th grade when he was successful in the prior grade. Public schools are graded by state and federal regulators on advancement rates.

Even in the MIAA schools it's not always simple. One elite lax parent, let's call him Bark Billen, a fictional name, tried to hold back his very talented athlete son at one school, let's call it, Paint Saul's. The kid was a great athlete and a straight A student, and the school said no.....because it made no sense. So, Bark Billen's son took a 2nd 8th grade year at a different private school, let's call it, BicDonogh. Totally made up names to protect the innocent!

No one has ever heard that story before. Thanks for sharing!

NP Mark!