Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Grade base lacrosse was for recruiting purposes. You people can complain all you want but it’s not going to change. None of the upper clubs would agree since only way they get better in upper age groups is to assemble the most holdback talent. They don’t develop players. There’s no money to be made changing to age base. Next topic

Uhm, you aren't thinking like a club owner or tournament director.

There IS money to be made changing to age based.

You squeeze the age range so you get to add another age group to tournaments or another team to your club.

Each club is set to make ~$50K a year more just by adding just one more team in that age group. Approx $2500 x 20 kids

And then there is the added "administrative charge" of ensuring age verifications are correct.

Trust me, it's gonna happen. The club directors and tournament directors are already thinking about it.
Totally valid point… current teams have overlap from 3 different birth years.