In MD no teams are filled exclusively with Red-Shirted players

A 20 boy roster will have at most 1-2 boys who are a year older than their classmates. About 25% will be born in the fall of 1998 which is age appropriate for US Lacrosse.

2017 HS Grad year interpreted from US Lacrosse is boys born
Sept 1 1998 to Aug 31, 1999 (which is currently U-14).

Since there are boys older than this who are still in 8th grade, US Lacrosse sets the age guideline as U-15 so that these boys do not need to sit out.

Recruiters care what year you are going to come play at their school and not how old you will be when you get there. Grade based is the most appropriate way to set up teams and torunaments for that simple reason.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Thank you. You couldn't be more right. This why MD, kids look so much bigger and stronger. A year or two makes huge difference between 13 and 20. The coaches are looking for the older kids.... It's another reason why many schools are telling kids to PG a year. If the talent level is the same, physical maturity is the thing that will make the difference. Everyone knows it. That's why kids are held back, repeat grade etc. it's done because its a huge advantage. If you take a rising junior whos an above average player and drop him down and play him with rising sophomores he becomes a top player... Everything needs to be aged based for tournaments and recruiting. If you disagree you're gaming the system, plain and simple.