Originally Posted by Anonymous
While interest and participation in lacrosse is growing across the country, the statement that "college coaches are giving the Hesiman stiff arm to NY?Blatimore kids in favor of kids from other regions" in not a fact as expressed by this person. In fact, of 367 roster postions at Cornell, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Loyola, Mayland, Syracuse, UNC, and UVA, 172 come from either NY or MD (47% of the rosters). If we add in CT, DE, PA, and VA, another 96 roster spots are filled. Nearly 73% of the current roster spots at arguably the top lacrosse schools come from the traditional hot-bed regions. As lacrosse expands into other parts of the country, I'm sure this will change (as I'm sure it has changed from 20 years ago). But , college coaches are realists and will continue to draw from MD and NY as long as the level of lacrosse remains high.

According to insidelacrosse, the listings for the 2015 verbals shows that out of approx 108 commits, only 12 were from long island = 11%. If you take Ohio State out of the equation, the numbers are 7/98 = 7%. Heisman.