Originally Posted by Anonymous
What rules? The NCAA rules mean nothing. They are a sham. Back door recruiting is the norm and how to get around the "rules" is the game.
Have not heard of one coach/program reprimanded or taken to task by the NCAA even though it is public knowledge when a young girl commits to a program before the coaches are even permitted to contact them.

No kidding, there's early recruiting going on? And indirect communication through intermediaries? WOW. Thanks for that insight. This person claims that their daughter walked off the field at the President's Cup and was offered a spot by a coach right there on the side of the field. A coach going up to a girl AT A TOURNAMENT and offering her a spot is simply not done. It is a clear violation, and one that coaches avoid. There is no way a girl walks off the field at the President's Cup and a coach approaches her and offers her a spot complete w scholarship amount etc. Through an intermediary, ok, but not directly to the girl at the tournament.