Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My older son is a 2025 and trained with Savage for two years leading up to recruiting. I'd highly recommend him. Lots of reps and almost no standing around. My kid is very motivated and a hard worker though.

No one said savage wasn’t a good coach. But his youth clinics were priced at 375 for 6 sessions. That’s extremely high. You can do training with 5 kids and a top trainer for less money per session. The session we attended had a ton of kids and there was a lot of standing around. Combine that with the fact he doesn’t offer single session options, we won’t be back.

You must not have much experience with the island's top trainers. That's what it costs unless you want some joke with an Instagram account.

Lol. “Experience with the islands top trainer”. Since when did Savage become John Danowski. He was the coach at Nassau Community College. Not Duke. Plenty of other better trainers out there for less money.

I said 'best trainerS' -- they are expensive. I didn't say Savage was one. Maybe some reading comprehension for yourself.