Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by LILAXDAD2023
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You heard or you know? My friends son is on igloo and he never mentioned it. I think that would be a shock if they did that. Maybe for national tounreys but cant see the two merging for club based tounreys.
Could be for National tourneys, all i heard was that the organizations merged and they were folding some club scene teams. Not sure how accurate that is.

Ran into a legacy 32’s dad last night. The only year confirmed to have actually merged is the 32 squad. Said there was absolutely no chance of the 31’s merging as those rosters have been made. He did also say he was told that the legacy 31’s lost their 2 guys that play on national teams. Supposedly 1 to the rebels and 1 to igloo.

The organizations have merged. I'm sure due to the fact that most tryouts were done it would be too much of a logistical nightmare to try and do it all now. Plus,the Legacy 2031 team might be one of the worst on Long Island. I'm sure igloo is in no rush to merge with that team.