Originally Posted by Anonymous
4-1 Armada: no mention? They scored 31 goals and the only other team to score more is igloo with 33. Armada lost a close game 9-6 game to crabs (ranking is similar to igloo). Goals for based upon tristar:
Igloo 34
Armada 31
Titans 23
Express East 20
Chucks 19
Legacy 13
Stealth 15 (-1 GD)

Looks like the over under for teams with an Offense is 23. Two teams have super charged offenses: both scored more than double that of Stealth!!!

Moral of the story: plan your tryout season accordingly. The positive feedback loop will decimate the lower 3. IMHO Igloo has Defense locked down (GA 3). However Armada is nearly average with 14 (2nd best though). Clearly lower offensive teams need O, but it appears Armada only needs poles? Titans have put ppl on notice, as well.

BTW: ppl detest stealth because the parents try to fight moms (witnessed guy saying fool stuff to a mom in a chair). A stealth parent was arrested (?) For hitting a prime time dad last year. One guy also tried to fight me last year as well, so I have first hand experience.

Armada def deserves mention--and parents solid and nice to be around. Looking forward to the Northeast Selects combo of Igloo and Shore 2 Shore in July. (Igloo parent here)