Originally Posted by Anonymous
For the record there were 93 registered players at Candlewood. The titans have improved and will continue to do so year over year. Go ahead and make your jokes but by High School this team will stomp your Toy soldiers
It is like the people writing this stuff cannot think. Unless you own 91, this is IRRELEVANT to your child. Because even if kids move from Igloo to 91 (or express, etc) when they're older (which is becoming less likely each year as these orgs compete)... THOSE KIDS WHO ARE ON TOP RIGHT NOW WHO YOU THINK ARE SO LIKELY TO MOVE TO ANOTHER TEAM IN A FEW YEARS ARE TAKING YOUR KIDS SPOTS. So puff your chest out all you want about being on 91 or Express right now but if you're not as competitive today, and the way the team eventually will be is by ATTRACTING KIDS FROM OTHER ORGS then 1, they're not developing your kid, and 2, your kid won't be there in the future.