I’m not a Rebels or Igloo parent. I don’t understand why there is so much detest about the 2031 Rebels. They are a very good team, and so is Igloo. Last year Rebels got the best of Igloo. They haven’t played each other this fall so there is no true gauge on who is better. A year makes a difference in kids progress and growth. Only time will tell which of those two teams are the best at this age group.

Who really cares which is the best team. Parents should pay more attention to if their child is developing their skills, putting in the effort, learning to be a team player, being competitive, having fun and making friends.

It feels good to dominate and win but on 29 team roster how many of those kids are contributing to the success of the team?! Maybe 8, the rest are fillers and don’t get the attention they are paying for to grow as a player. These clubs care about branding their name and winning. And us parents keep giving them more money to get richer while your kid gets lost in the shuffle. WAKE UP PARENTS!!!