"Very small % of kids gone on to play at any level, NCAA, MCLA and others, they should all be applauded. It is extremely challenging to balance the rigors of athletics, social and academics in college"

Exactly right. Whoever this guy (has to be a guy) is bashing anyone who doesn't go to a top 10 school on his list, he's a clown who lives vicariously through his son. That poor kid.

You don't have to bash other kids to make yourself feel better about paying for private school and the most expensive club team for 10 years. You made your decisions. Other parents made different ones.

You're the reason that lacrosse has a bad reputation with the sports world overall.

My son worked his [Censored] off and is playing D1 but I would have been happy and proud if he had played at ANY level in college. It's about him and what he wants anyway. He has known that from the beginning.