In addition to the "athletic and Team sport benefits and life lessons" lacrosse is about helping our children get into the best school possible. Many of the schools listed below have Division I Lacrosse Programs and without lacrosse it would be very difficult for our children to get into them.

Below are some rankings of where some of the Major Players in Investment Banking, Consulting and Big Tech hire from they are known as "Target Schools". Just want to point out the opportunities Lacrosse can provide for our children. The rankings are primarily in order of "number undergraduate hires" from each school.

Not knocking or touting any schools just pointing out Many of the schools that lacrosse can help get kids into are also feeder schools into many of the most lucrative careers at some of the best companies in three particular industries.

Not every kid knows what career path they want to pursue so choosing a school that can open as many doors as possible is very important. In many cases, it will be the school "name recognition and or prestige" that will help get their foot in the door with an interview (lacrosse connections help as well).

Investment Banking: BOA, Barclays, Citi, Goldman Sachs, JPM, Morgan Stanley etc... Recent Grads (2014 - 2019)

1 - Penn
2 - NYU
3 - Michigan
4 - Harvard
5 - Georgetown
6 - Cornell
7 - Yale
8 - Columbia
9 - Notre Dame
10 - Princeton
11 - U of Chicago
12 - Cal - Berkeley
13 - Texas
14 - Duke
15 - Virginia
16 - Dartmouth
17 - BYU
18 - Vanderbilt
19 - Indiana
20 - Uni Southern Cal
21 - Northwestern
22 - Boston College
23 - Brown
25 - North Carolina
26 - Stanford
27 - UCLA
28 - Middlebury
29 - Penn State
30 - Emory

Consulting: McKinsey, Bain, BCG etc.... Recent Grads (2014 - 2020)

1 - Harvard
2 - Penn
3 - Michigan
4 - Yale
5 - Stanford
6 - Duke
7 - Princeton
8 - MIT
9 - Uni Cal Berkeley
10 - Northwestern
11 - Columbia
12 - Texas
13 - Virginia
14 - Dartmouth
15 - Notre Dame
16 - Vanderbilt
16 - Uni Chicago
18 - Brown
19 - Georgetown
20 - Georgia Tech
21 - Western University
22 - Mc Gill University
23 - Washington Uni St. Louis
24 - Queen's University
25 - BYU
26 - Rice
27 - Uni Southern California
28 - Cornell
29 - North Carolina
30 - Uni Illinois

Big Tech

1 University of California, Berkeley
2 Stanford University
3 Carnegie Mellon University
4 University of Southern California
5 The University of Texas at Austin
6 Georgia Institute of Technology
7 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 San Jose State University
9 University of California, San Diego
10 Arizona State University
11 University of Michigan
12 University of California, Los Angeles
13 North Carolina State University
14 California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
15 Cornell University
16 University of Waterloo (Canada)
17 Texas A&M University
18 University of Washington
19 Purdue University
20 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21 Santa Clara University
22 University of Phoenix
23 University of California, Santa Barbara
24 University of California, Davis
25 Penn State University

Here is some additional food for thought...

These 30 Colleges get students Jobs through great professional partnerships.

Link for interesting article -

1 - Michigan
2 - Penn State
3 - Stanford
4 - Harvard
5 - NYU
6 - Princeton
7 - University of Cal. Berkeley
8 - Penn
9 - MIT
10 - USC (California)
11 - Cornell
12 - Dartmouth
13 - Washington
14 - Texas A&M
15 - Yale
16 - Northeastern
17 - Purdue
18 - Carnegie Mellon University
19 - Georgia Tech
20 - UCLA
21 - Claremont McKenna College
22 - Arizona State
23 - California Institute of Technology
24 - University of Maryland
25 - North Carolina State
26 - University of Cal. San Diego
27 - Florida
28 - University of Cal. Davis
29 - Virginia Tech
30 - Embry Riddle Aeronautical