Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
70% of 2025 committed players come from NLF teams.

Blatant and unverifiable lie

Posted on their insta with the math broken down by school. So it’s verified

Listen it is hard to make a NLF team.No shame if you are not on one. But the results of being on NLF are there. Just look at 2025 commits. 70% of the commits so far are from NLF.Good luck to everyone.

Is it hard to make an NLF team? Seems to me you just have to pay for it. There are plenty of not very good kids on NLF rosters.

OK I'm a parent with a younger child but wanted the opinions of some folks with older kids who are going through the college process. My son plays for Express, and plays a lot. His team is good, but certainly not great. They are arguably not even a top 5 team on Long island. Is it worth paying more than other programs and practicing less than other programs, just to be part of the Express name? His team is the only team that does not have indoor practices included in the tuition. His team seems unorganized at best and Express does not really seem to care. It feels very much like a business.

Surprised to hear they don’t practice that often. What year? Is it the new east teams? There is a lot to not like about express but not practicing has never been something I’ve heard.

Get out now. If you're unhappy now it will only get worse. Eventually they will import better players and stack the roster. LIE will not continue to field a competitive team as kids near HS.

they do practice, just not as much as other teams. as for importing players, at what age does that happen? as i mentioned, my sons express team (not express east) is arguably not even in the top 5 on long island. i would have thought his team would have attracted better players by now and it just has not happened. thanks to you both for the responses.