I do know current top 20 D1 coach and a former top 20 D1 coach very well and have given us some great insight into their thought process in recruiting.

1. They want the best players that fit their program - as athletes, students, teammates, and desire.

2. They will avoid players who will bring drama/toxicity/negativity to the program.
- this includes the player and her family. The top programs have plenty of choices of great players. If it is a choice between player A is a great kid with good parents and player B who is a prima donna and has parents screaming non stop, they will quickly mark player B off the list.

3. They do check social media of a girl they are interested in. They want to make sure they are getting a full picture.

4. In Maryland, they will make an effort to see a HS game if possible. They will talk to a HS coach since most are experienced enough to give a good appraisal of the player on the field and sidelines. They will also notice who the fool parent is on the sidelines.

All coaches have a different level of tolerance for what they will tolerate from the player and her family. Probably some hope that distance will keep parents at more than arms length.

The easiest solution to make sure your daughter has the best chance at every school is to make sure she is the kind of teammate a coach wants, works hard and stats positive. As a parent, don't be a donk that everyone knows. Don't yell about coaching, refs, or deride other players on any team. UT really isn't that hard to be an enthusiastic, proud parent without crossing the line into being an obnoxious ***hole.