Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
26 isn’t as talented as those above. Take your average talente to D3.

Yeah, because no one with talent plays D3. Somehow the goalie for Northwestern was able to play at a high enough level at Tufts for 4 years to step right in and win a D1 championship this year. D1 or bust mentality is so limiting and sets girls (and families) up with unrealistic expectations. Lacrosse is a game and should be fun. If it can get a player into a school that fits their academic and life goals, it has added value. If the goal is lacrosse only, kids will end up disillusioned because lacrosse will end for most when college ends. A tiny fraction will find a way to scratch out a living from lacrosse.

Totally accurate and not to mention that college is about academics and receiving a degree first and foremost. There are plenty of D3 that are better academically than their D1 counterparts and offer better pathways to desired degrees. To poopoo D3 is absolutely ridiculous and is telling in terms of where your priorities are for yourself and your kid.