Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
But they still won't care about who wins or loses. They will be annoyed by stall ball because they don't care who wins and that is less time to see what the girls can do. They will 100% be observing parent behavior on the sidelines and reading the body language and enthusiam (or lack of) of the girls on the field and sidelines. If you don't think your behavior (while wearing club gear and yelling at coaches, players, and refs) matters, it does. If your daughter yells at teammates, refs or anyone else, hangs her head, hogs the ball, gives less than 100%, etc., the coaches will have that noted.
As a 25 parent that just went through this process, this is the best advice. Who wins the games are not important, its how your child plays/contributes to her team, body language and parent sideline antics. I would also be strategic on what you sign your daughter up for. You don't need to trek your daughter to every event, showcase or camp. If your team is playing in all the big tournaments (L4C, MA etc..) and all star games (BIC, JO, UA, Nike) college coaches will have a good idea of they player your daughter is and how she fits in their program. If your daughter is not playing in these tournaments or all star games, you will have a little more work to do. Make sure you pick showcases where the schools you are interested in are attending and make sure you attend their camps.