Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do you all even know or understand how hard ALL of these coaches are working to develop great players, athletes, and teammates both on and off the field?! Try your best to bite your tongues this summer and leave it to their side of the field to coach your girls. Parents, just let these kids play since YOU signed, paid and committed your daughters to a team. Try to believe in them to be good teammates and even coachable without you barking at them…also try to keep in mind that the coaches are not making the Big Bucks to stay at the Hilton garden or residence inns half of each summer and be away from their own families. Maybe, even just try to say thank you.

Could not agree more. If you are unhappy with the coaches, get through the next month and move on. There are plenty of clubs out there, no reason to stay where you are unhappy.

I don't always agree with what the coaches do or why certain girls are in certain spots but what I do know is, our coaches give everything to these girls, not only on the field, but off the field and really care about them as people, teammates and lacrosse players. That's why we are where we are.