These are showcase recruiting events. This isn't about winning or who has the best team. It's about players being seen by coaches.

Most of the coaches are seeing a lot of these girls for the first time. They may have seen some before but not with the same level of interest. There is a reason they had the higher brackets early for the 25s at SPSG and later for the 26s at the fairgrounds. Some colleges haven't finalized their 25 recruiting (D3 is just getting started for that year). The D1 schools who are done (or close) recruiting 25s are starting to make their lists of 26s they want and where they may fall. They know most of the girls aren't in peak form because of the summer break and fall sports.

The coaches will look at them again this coming weekend and at their winter camps and prospect days. The real recruiting evaluations will start in June after the girls have been practicing and playing all spring.

But they still won't care about who wins or loses. They will be annoyed by stall ball because they don't care who wins and that is less time to see what the girls can do. They will 100% be observing parent behavior on the sidelines and reading the body language and enthusiam (or lack of) of the girls on the field and sidelines. If you don't think your behavior (while wearing club gear and yelling at coaches, players, and refs) matters, it does. If your daughter yells at teammates, refs or anyone else, hangs her head, hogs the ball, gives less than 100%, etc., the coaches will have that noted.