Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
When are you fools going to realize that rankings don’t mean squat. The only thing that matters for the high level kids is who is getting calls on Sept 1 of their junior year. If your club has a good track record with recruiting and your kid is legit, that’s all you need to worry about.

He/she/them is correct. Wins and losses on club teams esp. in middle school mean absolutely nothing. Play on the best team your kid has fun playing on and is getting plenty of reps and if the club has good recruiting director, even better.

Of course you agree with your prior post. Care to share what winner club you represent, will bet you are not in the mentioned group above? Results reflect coaching and development and why LIE is #1.

Yes I posted the one about rankings meaning squat. My kid plays for a team ranked in the top 10 of the US club lax rankings. If you don’t agree with the post you are either a fool or trying to live thru your son.