Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Couple observations from final. Express is amazingly coached. IQ off the charts for 13 y/o. Kudos to coaches and program. Fogo is the man, no doubt about that. They had possession 75/25 at a minimum. Question, how do they play the same 2 middies on literally every possession? All for playing to win but w 24 players, where are the others?

check the stats-- express spread the ball around all wsyl. tigers rely on the big guy and once he draws the d a couple other kids can score.

VLC parent here and we have played all three above. All of them like us move the ball. Variation comes from young lacrosse and agree on LI Express but have seen Sweetlax almost win against them many times and Tigers have beat them a lot so it really comes down to the day maybe? Best part is these games are so fun and Hawks are also very good and they are successful many times. VLC matches up best against Sweetlax and we have a harder time against the other two.

Tigers on age is no match for Express. Sweetlax was a great game on age. Hawks on age couldn’t even make it to the dance. Bottom line…..Express is on age everytime they play. I’m not sure that can be said for the other teams.

Agree Hawks are not that good. Defense was weak and they relied heavily on one to two players. Expect Hawks to continue losing big games.