Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This ends the conversation. I would like all Boston, Maryland Upstate Etc,, to just get off this forum. Once again on age we see that the Long Island Talent is the best around every year, year in and year out. That includes the A and B teams, so leave the discussion to Long Island, their B teams crush any other areas teams that are around, there are just much better players of age in Long Island then anywhere else in the country. Express and some of the larger orgs 91, etc, they are the flavor because they were their first so all talent that is developed on the other teams filters its way to them. But the body as a whole Long Island just has better lacrosse then anywhere in the country. Hands down, mic drop.

Beat Sweetlax by one. Let's not crown the island as the greatest because of one tournament

Sweetlax has been so close in many games against Express and will beat them soon, Tiger beat Express by a lot in March and should have at NLF a month ago, and Hawks beat them at NAL, so it is great that all the tournaments are very close and ranks will change based on the latest tournament. Right now it is Express, Tigers, Sweetlax, VLC, Hawks. Whose is at the NLF tournament coming up?

Says the same guy who wrote: You heard it here first…an upstate team will win the WSYL tournament this year.

Please let the smack talk and excuses stop. It’s very sad.

SL played very well and Top 3 for sure.

The game between Express and Sweetlax in the semis was awesome. Both teams played well and it was fun to watch. This is what it is all about. Congrats to both teams on a great showing.