Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Can we discuss the strong showing of Towermen, BBL, Stealth,

Towermen’s only two losses to Express and Tigers (OT)
BBL beat a good Stealth team
Stealth takes down Hawks who are a different team without their holdbacks so not such a big win
Towermen crushes BBL in 5th place game

There was no “5th place game” but nice try trying to fabricate one, and nice job “crushing” a team in a meaningless 8am game for quarterfinal losers.

towermen dads, moms, whatever the f, are insane! 5th place game lol. consolation games dont mean anything! you were given a handout to be at wsyl, you lost, and are still on here saying how great you are. just fade away for a few days like the hawks parents are doing. You make yourselves look crazy- and oh ITS YOUR KIDS OUT THERE NOT YOU!!! get a life and stop trying to bask in your kids glory- find your own somewhere! Ill bet half of your facebook profile pics are from 15 years ago too- all about appearances with some people---