Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lighten up sweet perm dad.
Joey's getting his scholarship.
Let's reflect on this year's humor.

1. Joey's dad getting squirrelly.
2. Sweet perm dad with shiny curls.
3. Hot mom's rocking neck lanyards of precious.
4. Lime green dad's with matching coffee tumbler mugs.
5. Team dad's sporting matching team shorts/shirts.
6. Stuck-up teams mom's hitting on blue collar team dads.
7. Nutty parents embarrassing their kids from the sidelines.
8. Dad's ranking 6th grade teams.
9. Commit chasers flushing money on showcases.
10. "A" teams beating your elite "AA" teams.

Can't wait for next year, but I'm sure the top 10 will be the same.

You need serious counseling