Originally Posted by Anonymous
Heard that smash and outlaws looked "dominant". And yet, PT put up some great games and no real press. They are a solid team.

Express goes undefeated and wins another tourney.

It's NEVER "hands down", but Express is the best 2022 team on the east coast right now.

I wish there was club league play, not tourneys all the time. Long Island and MD Kids and parents don't have to travel to find good competition.

We should focus on regional club leagues and save us all a bunch of $, headaches and travel. IMHO

This is a great idea. A club league is needed over 3 weekends in Philly or some other convenient location for MD & Long Island to play a small season and championship. This will work for the 8 of the 10 best teams in the country and the other 2 or 3 from FL, CO, CA or elsewhere can fly-in. A definitive "national championship" would be great instead of the crappy ones being supported in OH, CO, or FL.