Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Because we would

Wow. You come up with that on you own? Funny how quickly folks forget how good Crabs was when they were age based. You're delusional if you think that Crabs couldn't compete if the rules were changed
. When it was age based Crabs did not dominate in any way. They were just an average good team, just like many others. Once it went grade base Ryan McClernan saw an opening to game the system and he was off and running. The team he coaches, 2020 is comical to look at. I don't know who he thinks he is fooling, the team is loaded with holdbacks. I'm sure you will agree that was not the intent or spirit of grade base lacrosse.

Actually, the truth is that Crabs dominated more when they were age based. They did not start until U13 back then and their teams were the dominant teams in MD. There were fewer clubs then and most of the top players played for Crabs. If anything, going grade based and starting in 5th grade has made them less successful as their younger teams have not fared as well. This is because at younger ages, kids are still playing for their fathers in a lot of cases. As the kids get older, they usually gravitate to certain clubs to ensure they get looked at by colleges.

You keep trying to spin it anyway you want to make yourself feel better, but Crabs is going to be good no matter the rules.

If that is the case, then why the holdbacks? Is it a case of the parents' insecurity? I think so. So then, the club owners should say enough, the schools should say enough. Don't cave to the parents who are doing this to their kids. Because that's what's happening. Do you really think any kid wants to reclass? Imagine what a tool you would feel like repeating 8th grade. Because of sports. Embarrassing. And everyone knows you did it. It's the elephant in the room. And all your accomplishments -- every goal, every time you beat your guy... it's all tainted. Because you're older. mind boggling that someone would put their kid in this position.