Originally Posted by Anonymous
I would put Skywalkers in 4th behind M&D Hero's MD United if you look at it top to bottom from 2023-2032. Skywalkers better than MDU as a whole in HS age groups, traditionally and at moment but MDU prob better at every age group under High School and in many grad years, by large margin.

I think Skywalkers continues to be a good option, but I'm not sure Coppermine and Skywalkers can both be great at same grad year.

Within the next year or two, the SW 2029 team will be just like the SW 27 team. Look where they were two years ago, probably in similar position as the SW 29 team is now. Yet, the SW 27 team has quickly become a top team. SW philosophy is more about HS and recruiting. They have a OUTSTANDING track record there. They just recently decided to have teams before 5th grade. That is what hurt them as they were losing the younger players to other clubs. But as was said earlier, they don't care about elementary and middle school wins. Their goal is develop the player to be good HS players and potential college players.

IMHO, the parent of this player who left SW is searching for wins and trophies for their child at age 11/12. If that's what matters to them, more power to them. However, them coming on here to try and tarnish SW to justify their move, laughable at best.

I also echo the one earlier post, if their child was that dominate, SW would have performed much better in the B division.

For what it's worth, my daughter plays on another top club not SW but, SW is 100% a real option if lacrosse is what she wants to do in HS and college. Because remember we are talking about 11/12 year old's who may hit puberty and no longer be interested in lacrosse or physically may not be able to play at a top level. But hey, jump ship to Heros to win now if 6th grade is going to be the highlight of your daughters lacrosse career. To each their own.