Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The 28s and 29s aren't leaving....that is wishful thinking by the other top teams.

The other top teams that can't beat the 28 and 29s!

You guys are awfully full of yourselves for a team that's currently ranked #7.

Well when someone says a few posts up, the team doesn't have talent and any good players will leave you need to defend that. A top ten ranking shows they do in fact have talent. And that talent plans to stay together

I don't think anyone would deny a team ranked in the top ten has to have some talent, but if you've been periodically checking in with this site, you know the bragging about this particular team goes beyond that. You'd expect them to be the best team in the league based on their presence here. It's like they want to believe they're the 28s...but they're not.