Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Where would the top players go and why would they jump ship?

Do you know the coach or know how things work? Sounds like no.

It happens the summer after 7th and 8th grade every year. Top players from 2nd tier club leave for M&D, Heros and SW, driven by their recruiting reputations and connections.

Biggest clubs impacted by this are typically MDU, Integrity, NEMS and TLC. Now that Coppermine is a top 10 club for the 28 and 29 age bracket, i would expect SOME but not all top players to leave.

The real question is can Coppermine attact talent to backfill those spots.

I would expect the Coppermine 28s to be more at risk than 29s because a top of the top 28s have older sisters playing at SW and Heros.

Nice talking points, too bad none of this applies.

Top players were just added this summer and no one is leaving for SW or Hero's. May want to check those rosters again.