Originally Posted by Anonymous
To the angry comment about the Skywalkers family that left the 2029 team mid-season. She was the top player on the 29 team, knows the club very well and just can see the club is on the decline. Every younger team is weak and with more competition in the area it isn’t going to get better. Their family is only doing what is best for their daughter. Leaving a club they knew very well is telling on the trajectory. Don’t be so angry their decision was clearly best for their daughter to be on more competitive team.

I would hope you would do the same for your daughter and not have ignorant comments from jealous parents.

You have zero clue about SW and their reputation if that’s your stance. Look at the 8th grade thru 11th grade teams. They just don’t put as much emphasis on winning in elementary school. Which is fantastic imho.

The family that left did so because they were short sighted and that’s okay. That’s their choice. But you sound really ignorant with your assessment of SW.