Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you say he works for LU then wouldn't he have LU ads or mentions on his site?

Then he couldn't claim to be unbiased when writing about the amazing Turtles

Norm, back to the operating room bud. Sorry Leif couldn't hang with TT!

Not sure who the anonymous simpleton is who wrote this above statement, but I personally feel that the turtles are without doubt the best team in the 2017 class nationally period. NONE OF THIS DRIVEL regarding above ^ is by me and can be verified by ISP search by the moderator if he cares to.

Never had a bad word to say about those great players and was glad my son had the opportunity to play and learn from their coaches. He made many friends with those kids and is still tight with all of them. There was never a matter of him not being able to "hang" with the turtles. His abilities and subsequent commitment confirms his ability to "hang" anywhere he cares to. There was just not a good fit with that program and that is that. My hat is off to all of their accomplishments and I stand along with many others and offer my congrats to a great program and team. Bravo.

Now since I was dragged into this melee by yet another keyboard ninja; let me say that it should be no mystery as to where I or any one of thousands stand on the subject of the "writer without credentials".
There has been enough stated about that subject and the lax world should move on. There are as many opinions about him and his questionable alliances and motives as there are lax players; yet the "writer" had ZERO impact on my son as he was off of the available players to commit board as of last February, far before the "writer" even chanced a thought at the 2017 class and their abilities.

Please; if you are man enough to bring about a child's name and mine into this public domain; then be man enough to sign your name after your inane and inflammatory remarks. It would be the right thing to do; however I feel that your cowardness and need to hide behind your ninja keyboard anonymously will not change. If you care to "man up" it would be a step forward in your ability to act as an adult and a man.

Care to step forward and identify yourself ?? I think not. Continue to be spineless; its in your best interest.

Thank you
