Really great advice and I'll add my two cents.

I think you have to look at the events you attend with your club team and individual showcases. Our son plays on a good club team, but I would say the club directors make a concerted effort to market certain kids and for the most part those kids wind up making the "all star" games. Now some of those selected absolutely deserved it, but we were always scratching our collective heads about who was getting pushed. Your club may be different, but the interesting thing was that four kids are getting heavily recruited now, and they were seen at events where our club team wasn't involved. So if your club team is like this make sure you play some free agent events where your son has a clear slate so to speak to showcase his abilities.

I keep hearing that Maverik has supplanted Jake Reed and that may very well be the case. That being said, all I think you can ask for is the chance to show yourself, and at the 2017 JR this summer, anybody and everybody was there. In most cases 2-3 coaches per school were there where the one or two would watch and then at half the other ones would rotate over and watch.

Second the comments on the two Philly Showcase events.

I think it pays to be proactive with college coaches. I know it has certainly helped my son. I just think you have to be smart about the timing of your letters.

As far a prospect camps go, I would tell you to call or have your club or high school coach call to see where your son stands. At least in our experience the college coaches have been very candid. It saved us some money in some instances, and allowed us to better target 2-3 schools where there was a lot of interest and they wanted one more up close evaluation before making a decision.