Get real, daddy. Winners care about kicking a rivals teeth in and then banging the other teams cheerleaders for good measure. Sure, some college coaches may not care to recruit winning characteristics in kids. To each his own. [/quote]

Dear Crazy Lax Dad,

Under the new ACA regulations your health insurance is required to have mental health coverage. Even those of us who are not fans of the law can agree on one thing: you need to use it. If not for yourself, please send your son so he can learn that it isn't his fault he is your child. Mental health help is just a phone call away.


Seemed figurative and not literal, and frankly I agree. You guys are easy to spot on weekends. Not about wins, all about the looks. We have kids out today at showcases. Two kids are sick. Excuses excuses excuses. Then the table turns to how many commits you have on your lousy teams (TT excepted). Nothing wrong with kicking a little [lacrosse]. They do keep score, right? If you are ok with losing and being a loser, we're all good. See you this weekend.