Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Long Island parent here... you are right. it is a pressure cooker here.
no excuses for classless behavior - but consider this:

when you take over taxed long islanders, in a bad economy, trying to pay for expensive training, club teams, showcase camps, time away from work, every weekend of summer on searing hot fields...

only for the desperate hope that your son or daughter can get a better education, and or scholarship money... so they don't have to struggle in the same way.

Long Island Lax is NO Longer considered the noval sport of choice for the wealthy elite. Long Island Lax is main steam! Much larger pools of athletes, more pressure to stay competitive...

Can contributors agree with the LI Lax dynamics?

I didn't grow up playing lacrosse and am not from LI but went to UVa and had first year roommates in the dorm who played for the team, and then had fraternity brothers who were on the team. All of them were from LI and to me seemed to be pretty average kids family wealth wise. If my buddies needed for their families to pay for showcases, prospect days, clubs year round and other items in addition to playing for their local schools, I doubt those kids would have wound up at UVa. That is pretty telling if my knowledge is true. In the 1970s and 1980s lacrosse was not an elite prep school thing in LI, it was what kids grew up playing in their towns and at their public high schools. They just happened to be really good at it without all this drama and expense that is now in the game.

That was a long time ago dude. There are some bad parts with the growth of the sport.