Originally Posted by Anonymous
MC is a great coach and he runs one of the top organizations in the country. The training that he provides the players in his organization you will not find anywhere. The way he sets up tournaments for all players of the Express organization to participate all year long and that's all you have to do is sign up on the website is incredible. But! yes there is a but, if you were selected to play on one of the B teams you must run for the hills! There is zero quality control on the B and C teams. If you are on one of these teams you will see multiple coach's through out the year to coach the team very rarely does a coach finish out the season. Last year I think it was supposed to be Schwalje and Lynot were supposed to coach the B team. Now they are saying Moran is going to coach, do you really believe he will be there all of the time? Come on, he will show up for some tournaments and maybe a few practices if your lucky, he has his hands full with Chaminade and will not have the time to properly coach this team. What MC should do is hire a B director that over see's these teams and make sure they are being properly coached but he spreads himself to thin.

My son was on the 3rd team last year and we had the two of the most dedicated coaches EVER! practiced from November to July. 2 Fall tourneys, 2 Indoor leagues, OBLL, 6 summer Tourneys and about 40 practices. Are there coaching irregularities from team to team - I guess - but not every team.