I'm not wrong. Last year? That was NOT blue chip. That was 3d blue chip. Sorry to burst your bubble but you my friend are wrong. This is not 3d blue chip which is a "play in". This is the real blue chip. Those are INDIVIDUAL invites. They DONT come thru your club! But since you didn't get one, I guess you wouldn't know that. Keep waiting for your "club" invite and you will keep waiting. This isn't "last year". No 2nd hand knowledge needed here. FACT - 1st hand knowledge. I'm not asking a friend or using last year as a guess. Call JR and ask them for yourself how the "individual" invites are done for the real camp. Not the 3d play in camp, the real deal. Only given to the elite players that don't have to go and pay at another camp to "play in" with 600 others. One of the 50 that are hand selected "individual" invites. Club has nothing to do with it. Again I know this for FACT.