Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Noticed some of the better names in 2026 that were on the NB team last year not there this year. From what I am hearing they didn't tryout.. wondering if they went to Nike tryout or what

Maybe if Nike would post who made their teams we would know.

NB invitiees were notified last Tuesday morning. Almost a week later and still no Nike?

If the tryouts were the only factor in determining the teams, you'd think Nike would be able to post within a day or two.

If it takes over a week to post the results, you have to wonder what other factors are involved in the decision making process.

These teams are not real tryouts. New Balance or Nike. A player could not make a tryout for New Balance and was told they had a spot before TRYOUT. The player declined the opportunity. THEY ARE not tryouts. They have the teams before the tryout, plus a couple of players to make it look real. College coaches know they are rostered teams basically and not real tryouts.

Not true, at least at NB. Sorry your kid didn't make the teams. Better luck next year.

Ask your son, he will know but it is obvious why the spot was open for this player and it is also obvious why he should decline the offer. Was New Balance.