Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Comparing winners and losers brackets from different tournaments is absolutely ridiculous. Recruiting goes far beyond a single quantifiable metric.

Here's a question for discussion, why do (roughly) equally talented players on two separate club teams have hugely different recruiting experiences?

I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts. Is it connections or "pipelines" a club has with a certain school? Is it the events they attend? How much of a role do club director's and their reputation play? Clearly it isn't a simple meritocracy. And yes I know everyone has different goals, grades, etc, but I'm asking from a playing standpoint.

Club pipeline and director connections to college coaches is probably the answer.

I would say that equally talented players (“talented” meaning same skill, athleticism, grades, character, etc ) don’t have hugely different experiences at different clubs. As long as you are playing for a reasonably competitive club, it will be the same result.

I would agree, but a club director that has a positive track record as far as kids that they recommend for a particular school can go a long way. Conversely, if a club coach/director is over-selling kids, that can be a detriment to the recruiting for their program down the road.