Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Delbarton, SHP, Ridgewood, Summit, Mt. Lakes produce all the NJ talent.Those kids play in college after playing for LE or BBL. End of story.
I love how you omitted a certain school. LOL.

This person truly truly has know clue...even more telling is the SHP reference without acknowledging the existence of Tri-State...Also, just curious, what ever happened to schools like Don Bosco, Pingry, Ridge, RFH, Manasquan, Montclair, St Augustine...did they just decide to stop playing lacrosse and producing NJ talent

I agree that this guy has know clue, but the OP did make a relevant point about feeder programs. The success of many of these clubs is dependent on their ties with strong youth programs and/or strong HS's. BS used to be stronger when the Montgomery/Princeton youth programs were stronger . . . and when Westfield kids were going there. Westfield kids are now going to 3D and others which is why 3D has improved. Tri-State would take a dip if they lost ties with SHP. BBL would struggle if they burned bridges with Summit youth. If you want to build a strong club, start with a pipeline from a strong youth program and then build from there.

Fair point, but LE has never really depended on any school, so not sure that they can be grouped in with the others. Interesting about the Westfield kids, I was not aware of that dynamic. Agreed that Tri-State would certainly take a huge hit without SHP, it may have been a lifeline for the club, but I think that BBL has a pretty big footprint, so not sure if they live and die with Summit.