Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
SW’s allowing 29’s on the 28 team is probably a concession by SW leadership so they don’t lose additional kids. I’m sure the 28 team is thrilled to play with 6th graders. Unless 6th graders improve their team. Seems like they are trying to plug multiple holes on weaker teams before kids, parents, high schools, and colleges realize their talent pool is significantly damaged from the good old days.

All three of those girls start on the SW 28s and are key contributors. At least two of them would start on any 29 team in Maryland.

This has been SWs model for many years. Playing up against better completion is massive for development

That's actually a terrible model. Build a strong program at their own age level. Playing up isn't better for development, including social development.

So there are three 2029s starting on the SW 2028? I’m sure those 2028 parents just love that. This playing up stuff should be over before middle school for reasons stated above.

Not sure why anyone would want to play up. Why not have those good players play on the team age they belong? Seems like a situation where those good players would move to other clubs. Isn't this the opposite of everyone's favorite, the Holdback that is so prevalent around MD?