Originally Posted by Anonymous
Effective Immediately for the Summer of 2023:

* September 1st to September 1st is the club season
* Players are to Play in the class they are currently in
* No player can play down in the summertime

Effective for 2023 Fall / 2024 Spring and Summer (Not Finalized)

* Age Verification through an online portal to upload DOB and Report Card
* Age Window for each class that is 16-18 months - TBD
- September 1st to December 1st - Vast Majority in favor
- September 1st to February 1st
- Birth Year with a window like hockey

This post is misleading. If you read the whole article you see there’s a lot of steps that have to be taken for this to become the norm in youth lacrosse. As they say, there’s a chicken or the egg situation where either clubs or tournaments have to lead the way. If tournaments go age based they run the risk of fewer teams participating if clubs aren’t aligned this way. If clubs go first they run the risk of having less competitive teams than those who don’t. Seems like it’s still a ways off based on article.