Originally Posted by Anonymous
Outside of maybe a coache's kid getting a role they don't deserve or PT maybe they don't deserve, what else is issue with parent coaching? How is it a negative for recruiting to colleges?

There's several issues - the two you named are biggest. Also - those girls retain spots on the rosters that they may not deserve. The coaches friends kids retain spots that they may or may not deserve. Friends of the coach's daughters retain roster spots, etc... You will see as girls get into high school and tryout for things like American select and Under Armour but more importantly when they go to prospect days being on a top team at a top club will get them assigned to the top groups or squads at those types of events.. They are automatically assumed to be a top player. Which is not always the case. Often they're mid to bottomr roster and the parent is coaching to benefit their own kid. The other issue with recruiting is that a coach can not be objective about players when they're trying to get their kid recruited. Say the coach has a defender daughter and a college coach calls and says I need one or two defenders.... will that coach be honest and objective or will they undeservingly promote their own kid. You'd be shocked how much it goes on.

Ask anyone who is on a team where the coach's kid is not one of the strongest players and you will see. I'm sure it goes across the board for all sports