Originally Posted by Anonymous
Question about travel teams for this group, freshman year and after. Son currently plays for an above average travel program and starts on varsity for a decent HS team. I don't really see him continuing on to a play D1 lacrosse. He'll go to a D1 college just not to play lacrosse. Not interested in lesser known university just to play college lacrosse, this is not a knock for those that choose to do so. Most of his travel team has or will gravitate to LIE or 91 because they attend private hs (I assume their coaches demand this?). Is it worth it to continue shelling out 4k per year to practice maybe once a month and attend a handful of tournaments? His HS practices don't seem all that challenging and the skills he has acquired are due mostly to his travel coaches. Torn on what to do to maintain his skills and lacrosse IQ.

Yes there are a lot lesser known schools. But there is a wonderful opportunity at so many schools that are D2 and D3 that will provide for a top notch education. And for club, every club is different, especially at this age. Our club will pick up again in Mid May and practice twice a week and play 5 tournaments.