Originally Posted by Anonymous
Better opportunities, maybe. For like 50 kids or so on Long Island for D1. So many kids are playing now. The best opportunity will exist at D3 for educational opportunities. Lax can get your son into a NSCAC school or an RPI or RIT. That is more realistic. Don’t be a D1 chaser, if it happens great. You have two years until September 2023 to figure it out. First sign that your son isn’t going to Duke is when he is not invited Maverick or UA. So many kids play now on a national level and tons of competition of college spots.

That is probably right. Top 12 attack, 15 mids, 15 poles and 5 goalies and 3 Fogos. That is still a lot of spots and certainly larger that Maverik or UA roster.

The list is prob slightly bigger initially because the other filters you are missing are grades and $